page1 | mk-ultra | vote-no-nwo | welcome | spooks | note2visitor | wmpatient | nlpdata | sound1 | blm1 | mind-c1 | nano1 | Mark-of-beast | beast-patient | cloning | Brainwash | Ekkofreak pt.2 |
Voice of God ELF Waved? Or is it the Dragon resorting to this? Click on pamphlet to left to goto a technoligical forum, discussing these futuristic type inventions....... ........or click on BRANCH DAVIDIAN link underneath to see that indeed MIND CONTROL is being, and already has been utilized in the religious sphere already....and such usage is AGAINST THE CHRISTIANS! http://ciassociates.faithweb.com/about.html http://ciassociates.faithweb.com/favorite_links.html |
Click on "Trust Government pic" to goto page for all the patents on BRAINWASHING issued by the US Government. |
Novadreamer glases picture to left. The Novadreamer is being offered for sale now, to those gullible types that trust whoever programs the computer generated secquences of subliminal mind altering patterns of electromagnetic light into their brain, so that the can have "sweet dreams"....Perhaps their dreams may be sweet for ahwile, but what about when they wake up? When (and if) they ever realize that somebody was PROGRAMING THEIR SOUL? NOVA PIC LINKED TO Retailer |